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Running Scala Scripts

Scala Scripts

Scala scripts are files that contain Scala code without a main method. These source code files don't require build-tool configurations. To run Scala scripts very quickly without waiting the need for build tools, use Scala CLI.


For example, given this simple script:

val sv = scala.util.Properties.versionNumberString

val message = s"Hello from Scala ${sv}, Java ${System.getProperty("java.version")}"

You can run it directly with Scala CLI — there's no need for a build tool or additional configuration:

scala-cli run

Alternatively, you can add a "shebang" header to your script, make it executable, and execute it directly with Scala CLI. For example, given this script with a header that invokes Scala CLI:

#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang

val sv = scala.util.Properties.versionNumberString

def printMessage(): Unit =
val message = s"Hello from Scala ${sv}, Java ${System.getProperty("java.version")}"


You can make it executable and then run it like this:

chmod +x
# Hello from Scala 2.13.6, Java 16.0.1

You can also pass command line arguments to Scala scripts:

#!/usr/bin/env -S scala-cli shebang
chmod +x
./ foo bar
# bar

As shown, command line arguments are accessed through the special args variable.


All of the features shown for non-scripts work for Scala scripts as well, such as waiting for changes (watch mode), dependency menagement, packaging, compiling, etc.


For example, run the package sub-command to package your script as a lightweight executable JAR file:

scala-cli --power package

Watch mode

As another example, pass --watch to Scala CLI to watch all source files for changes, and then re-run them when there is a change:

scala-cli --watch