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Scala CLI as implementation for scala command

Scala CLI is designed to be a replacement for script that is currently installed as scala. Since Scala CLI is feature-packed we do not want to expose all the features and options to the whole Scala public at the very start. Why is that?

  • We want to make sure that the options / commands are stable
  • We do not want to overwhelm users with multiple options and commands
  • We want to make sure that the commands we add to scala are stable so once we commited to supporting given option it may be hard to remove it later

That is why we built in a mechanism to limit the commands, options, directives in Scala CLI by default. However, it's still possible to enable all features by explicitly passing the --power flag on the command line, or by setting it globally running:

scala-cli config power true

To check which options, commands and directives are supported when running Scala CLI with limited functionalities, refer to options, commands and using directives, respectively.

Testing Scala CLI as scala

There are two recommended ways to test and use Scala CLI:

  • with brew:
brew install virtuslab/scala-experimental/scala
  • with coursier:
cs setup
cs install scala-experimental ← this command will replace the default scala runner

Alternatively, you can rename your scala-cli executable or alias it as scala.

Migrating from the old scala runner to Scala CLI

If you have been using the old scala runner and want to migrate to Scala CLI, refer to the migration guide.