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Repositories ⚡️

Scala CLI downloads the dependencies declared in your projects using Coursier. The default repositories being searched are the Maven Central and local Ivy repository on your machine. If additional repositories are required it is possible to declare them:

  • on the command line with --repository or --repo or just -r
  • with the //> using repositories directive

The values can be names of predefined repositories accepted by Coursier, some of which are:

  • sonatype:_value_ and sonatype-s01:_value_ for Sonatype servers e.g. sonatype:snapshots snapshots from both servers are searched when using snapshots
  • jitpack
  • m2Local

Custom repositories

Supplying the address of custom repositories is also accepted when using --repository or //> using repositories. To do so, provide the URL to the repository's root, e.g. for GitHub Package Registry. By default, custom repositories are treated as Maven repositories, to specify an Ivy repository, prefix the address with ivy: and supply the ivy pattern at the end e.g. ivy:http://localhost:8081/repository/ivy-releases/[defaultPattern].


[defaultPattern] gets expanded by Coursier to:


Repository Authentication


Even though the config command is not restricted, some available configuration keys may be, and thus may require setting the --power option to be used. That includes the configuration key tied to repositories settings, like repositories.credentials and others. You can pass the --power option explicitly or set it globally by running:

scala-cli config power true

Repository authentication is also supported and there are a couple ways of using it:

  • specifying credentials for each host in COURSIER_CREDENTIALS environment variable or in the coursier.credentials java property (read more here), the supported format in this case is host-address username:password, e.g. MyUserName:myPasswOrd
  • adding config entries for each host, this can be done using scala-cli --power config repositories.credentials host _username_ _password_, username and password values should follow the password option format, e.g.
  scala-cli --power config repositories.credentials value:PrivateToken env:GH_TOKEN

Default repositories

You can override the default Coursier repositories globally by invoking:

scala-cli --power config repositories.default


If you're fine directly downloading artifacts from the internet, but would rather have some repositories requests go through a repository of yours, configure mirror repositories, like

scala-cli --power config repositories.mirrors

To have all requests to a Maven repository go through a repository of yours, do

scala-cli --power config repositories.mirrors maven:*=